Heaven is here but sometimes we can’t see it. We are in the midst of it but sometimes we forget. So, walking in the bluebell & garlic filled Combe Martin woods is a great reminder and practicing a Kundalini Yoga Kriya, as we did in our class here last night to ‘Awaken the Ten Bodies’ can get us in touch with other parts of ourselves that remember what it feels like to be in heaven, now. Especially when relaxing deeply after the exertion of practicing 54 frogs! Wahe Guru! Have a beautiful day! Katherine
Monthly Archives: January 2015
As 2015 gets under way I am using ‘The Release Technique’, also known as ‘The Sedona Method’ to say good bye to ‘old stuff’ & bring myself into the present moment without a trail of emotions jangling along behind me. This technique was used by Lester Levenson to clear himself of everything that held him back from responding to the world with clarity and to become what he termed an ‘imperturbable’ person and to be a winner in all areas of life. He got to a place where he ‘mastered’ the world. Sounds too good to be true? Well, many people have followed The Abundance Course put together by his friend and follower Larry Crane and found it worked for them. http://www.lesterlevenson.org/about-releasing.php Check his website for more details.
How many of us have aimed to clear clutter and found that we just can’t get rid of all the old ‘stuff’ that we’d like to? Well, maybe we need to release the internal clutter before we embark on our office or the cupboards in our bedroom, give this simple technique a whirl and see if it works for you.
At Cranleigh House we are always interested in new ways to improve our spiritual, mental, emotional & physical health in simple, uncomplicated & natural ways. This technique is one that Stewart & I use on a regular basis and we find it helps to clear things as we go through our day.
We’ve already had lots of conversations with people who want to ‘clean up their act’ in 2015 but sometimes it is hard to know where to start. What I would recommend is to start something that is manageable and that you can continue with, whether this is giving up a habit that is sabotaging your health or taking up a new habit that will enhance your health. For example you can cut down on caffeine or cut out soft drinks such as coca cola or sugary fruit squashes. A good replacement for tea or coffee is a herbal tea that might contain some cocao such as Pukka’s ‘licorice & cinnamon’ blend or ‘Choco’ Yogi Tea, these will give a bit of a lift rather than a strong caffeine hit. As a squash replacement you could try Meridian or Crazy jack’s ‘apple concentrate’ diluted with water or a Herbal fruit tea brewed up with a teaspoon of honey and then chilled in the fridge. This is a great alternative to sugary drinks for children and adults.
From food poisoning to coughs & colds the New Year is coming in with the usual human ups & downs. If you are ‘up all night vomiting,’ as several people seem to be complaining of, then I would recommend Homeopathic ‘Nux Vomica’ or ‘Arsenicum Album’ 6c or 30c I pill 3 times daily for two days. This is usually available from your local healthfood shop or online from ‘Ainsworth’s Pharmacy’ in New Cavendish Street, London or from ‘Helios Pharmacy’ in Tunbridge Wells Kent, by mail order. Nux Vomica & Arsenicum as remedies can both cause diarrhoea & vomiting so, in Homeopathic Philosophy they can also cure these symptoms. This might sound like upside down, inside out thinking, often there are solutions to problems that we have never considered before but they are worth a try. For a susceptibility to colds & flu you can try Ainsworth’s own ‘Colds & flu’ remedy. This can be taken in a 6c or 30c potency 3 times daily for 3 days or until symptoms improve. Colds & flu are the body’s way of clearing out toxins so it is worth thinking about a New Year detoxification programme. Eating more healthily, cutting down on caffeine, sugary drinks & refined foods. We run a great ‘Cleansing Programme’ here on a regular basis.