Rich Anderson says on page 15 of ‘Cleanse & Purify Thyself’ book 1
‘Foods that have been cooked, frozen, canned or processed are dead foods’ and ‘the true definition of a food is a substance that nourishes or fuels the body with life-giving force (ie. life force, vitamins, minerals, enzymes etc) thereby strengthening, energising and building it without injuring it in any way. ….Dead or dying foods fail to give us the full potential that we should have’.
In the UK it is normal to eat cooked food and a diet very much based on carbohydrates. Norman Walker in his many books for eg ‘Become Younger’ talks about the dangers of eating starch: potatoes, pasta, rice etc and how the starch creates a calcium build up in the body which creates a furring up of the arteries and other working parts of the body, just as a kettle can get furred up, which then prevents the systems from working optimally.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona ( has done studies using raw food for 30 days and 21 days to show that diabetes can be reversed in this time.
Dr Fred Bisci, raw foodist for over 40 years works tirelessly with people helping them improve their health on a raw food diet. One of his students Matt Monarch turned his own health around eating raw food and is now running a raw food community and distribution business and has written several good books to point people in the right direction: ‘Raw Success’ and ‘Raw Spirit.’
My own motivations for eating a raw diet are to improve my own health and to improve the health of those that I work with. Those that feel anxious, depressed, unenthused by life, who are coming off alcohol or drugs (recreational and prescribed). Having seen the untold benefits of Rich Anderson’s ‘Cleanse and Purify Thyself’ protocol, using it myself and also facilitating many people to use these techniques, I know that they work and I would like to have the strength and stamina to bring them to a larger audience, who can also improve their health.
Another day opens, time for morning yoga and pranayama two other important ingredients in the recipe for good health!

Pineapples for breakfast!